Thursday, December 6, 2012

Final Two Pleaseantview Contest Entries

Edit: I took SECOND PLACE! :D

And with that, ladies and gentlemen, my part in the Pleasantview Renovation contest comes to a close. I didn't want to make each house it's own post here and clutter up the important WIP stuff, so here are the front views of the last two houses. Links to each one's entry post are included if you would like to see more picture (and you should! These two are really good!)

The third house is for Will and Elise Gibson to try to help them ease past the pain of losing Anne, wife and mother. Will picked up what was left of his family and moved to the seaside. He picked up a nice coastal home and started trying to make a new normal. Check it out here!

And the Wilson's have the final house. When Sarah and Tom added on to their family, suddenly the little one bedroom townhouse wasn't big enough so they packed up and moved. Sarah likes contemporary country, Tom is into sports, and their toddler is a dragon-slayer! See their house here!

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